jeudi 29 novembre 2012

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Il vento sta cambiando direzione e in azienda se ne stanno accorgendo, l'onda inizia ad alzarsi e gli operai iniziano a stancarsi di questa situazione di sotto diritti e sotto


La mestierante sindacale della FILCAMS CGIL sta bene attenta a non disturbare gli interessi aziendali Ipercoop e si prodiga a spengere ogni possibile focolaio di lotta, figuriamoci quando sente

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Cardinal Borromeo distributing Charity in a Landscape with Ruins, attributed to Henry Ferguson, or Hendrick Vergazon, dated, 1700-1720, oil on canvas, 130 cm x 193 cm, Some paintings are real  Moncler Jacken Outlet conundrums, like this one that turned up in a Facebook discussion between me and some other art lovers last week. A colleague in Amsterdam, Maaike Dirkx, unearthed this intriguing, not to say baffling picture from the depths of the Rijksmuseum. I'll let Maaike describe it:

"This painting poses all sorts of intriguing questions. It shows the saint Carlo Borromeo standing in an idealised classicist landscape next to an enormous marble sarcophagus showing in relief an adoration of the shepherds. According to the Rijksmuseum this scene was based on a painting that was attributed to Raphael since c.1635. I haven't been able to find it - suggestions are appreciated!

Borromeo points to the relief while addressing two men, one of them a dean. A crippled man sits next to him in front of the sarcophagus. On the left, in the foreground, we see the Holy Family with the Christ Child riding on donkeys, accompanied by a young man. In   Moncler Jacken the centre a blind boy and a blind girl cross a stream. To the right, in the middle background, a richly dressed young mean gives alms to a group of beggars."

Flight into Egypt group. Maaike brought me in because I've spent a lot of time looking at 17th century French art. Looking at this, I could immediately detect a whole spectrum of different influences- not just French. The landscape suggests knowledge of Nicolas Poussin, as does the Holy Family (a Flight into Egypt group) also reminiscent of the master. I could also detect that this painter knew a certain genre of painting that placed ruins like sarcophagi, tombs, and objects of antique interest in a landscapes, much favoured by patrons in Poussin's circle. Known for this tendency were minor masters who imitated Poussin, like Pierre Lemaire and Pierre Patel by placing Holy Families next to antiquities, in order to show the overthrow of paganism by Christ. Something of that appears to be going on in this picture, though it's clumsily done. Why place a river god (the Tiber?) with a cross and orb over a relief of the Adoration? It's not exactly an elegant way of showing this supplanting of paganism by Christianity, unless it means something else. Back to the visual sources. Other elements like the bivouac group on the right occur in 17th century French art. Was this an 18th century French artist re-working the artistic traditions of his countrymen? How wrong can you be? Maaike again:

Of the painter, Henry Ferguson, or Vergazon, little is known, except that he was born in The Hague in 1655 or 1665 and died in Toulouse in1730. A painter named H. Ferguson is recorded in the guild at The Hague for 1712-1719. Ferguson worked in London before 1712 where Walpole speaks of a Hendrick Vergazon, who assisted in Kneller's workshop and who painted some landscapes himself.

So, Vergazon or Ferguson, or whatever you want to call him, is mentioned in Walpole and was in the employ of the famous English portrait painter, Sir Godfrey Kneller. I'm afraid that I know nothing about English portraiture (hello Bendor), but there's tons of Kneller on the Public Catalogue Foundation website.

Adoration of the Shepherds, supposedly based after a Raphael composition known since 1635. As if all this isn't confusing enough, we have the little matter of why the artist chose to place a massive sculptural relief of the Adoration slap bang in the middle of it all! According to the Rijksmuseum, this particular scene is based on a painting that "has been attributed to Raphael since 1635." I'm still giving that matter some thought, thinking about 17th century French versions of this scene. My working theory at the moment is that this Adoration isn't by Raphael at all -that's a new one, start a debate about a Raphael attribution based on a picture in a picture! I think this is more of a "mix and match" Raphael- hell, the whole picture is mix and match- and the studied elegance of the Adoration group suggests the influence of Italian mannerism, like Parmigianino or Perino del Vaga, or the School of Fontainebleau. Relying on my visual memory, I can't recall an exact Raphael scene like this, but I'll have to do further checks.

Cardinal Borromeo and the distribution of charity. To call this picture "eclectic" is the understatement of the year. What painter would place an elegantly looking figure- who would look OK in a Kneller portrait, come to think of it- next to a group of women who look like they've strayed from a Poussin or a Le Brun composition? What mind-set could produce a picture that is structurally, thematically, on all levels, uncoordinated?

mardi 27 novembre 2012

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jeudi 22 novembre 2012

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My favorite story in the Finger collection is "The Artist and the Dwarf," which takes "Las classic portrait of illusion and reflection, and focuses on Mari Barbola, the woman who regards us with such steely confidence from her position at the side of the portrait:

"Mari Barbola," we told in Finger story, "stares out of the canvas, her doughy face defiant: she is the only   Moncler Schweiz one of nonroyal blood in the painting who does not bend, kneel, lean. She stands upright. Unlike the midget next to her, his slipper-clad foot resting on the back of a docile Alsatian, she is no perfect miniature. As big around as she is tall, the critics who write in centuries to come will cavalierly describe her as But we know who makes the rules: who blesses the vapid, worm-white infanta with the word decides that the blond halo of hair surrounding her face is to die for."

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mercredi 21 novembre 2012

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This bento only took me less than 15mins to make. The sandwich is just plain old strawberry cream cheese sandwich. I used two toned american cheese for the lorax cutout and applied more cream cheese to it to the sandwich. Since I don have any other materials (except the grapes) that I could use to make the pretty truffula trees, I added some flowers (using Picnik software) around the border of this bento.

It that time of the year again! This year we made animals thumbprints Valentine Day cards for the boy classmates. I   jackenmonclersuisse got my ideas from here. These cards are really easy to create, and what I love most about this craft is that it is almost mess-free and most importantly, takes very little time to make. cutting the paper to size, writing the greetings and adding details to the animals. I would say, it was rather fun creating these cards! So fun that I may offer my service to help the girl create her VD cards tomorrow too! LOL *:^)

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Egg and Ham sandwich with fruits.

Because the man doesn like his sandwich to turn too soggy at lunch, I always pack his bread separately in another box. He will assemble his own sandwich when he is ready to eat them.

Since this morning the kids were really cooperative by finishing their breakfast early, they get to draw something   Moncler Daunenjacke on the hard boiled eggs for their daddy. The boy drew a smiley face and a heart and the girl drew a flower. Hopefully the man felt our love for him when he had his bento lunch today.

As for the girl bento Since Friday is Pizza lunch from school day for the girl, I just packed a simple snack box for her.

Content: Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries and a fortune cookie (to give her some luck with her friend who has been very difficult with her lately Sigh.) and an origami heart lunch box note.

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PRLog (Press Release) - May 26, 2011 - The Global Leaders Holdings LLC (TGL) announced the founding Directors to their Advisory Board. "This Advisory Board will play a critical role in the growth of our company", stated Co-founder and Executive Chairman, George Bickerstaff. "While we will be announcing more appointments in the near future, I  Moncler Jacke am excited to announce the names of the two founding Directors: Siobhan M. MacDermott, AVG Technologies, and Margaret Molloy of Velocidi."

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Ms. Molloy is a Partner and Chief Marketing Officer at Velocidi, a next-generation digital marketing agency. She is a marketing leader with close to 20 years of experience in building sales enablement, B2B strategy, and executive engagement programs. Prior to joining Velocidi, she served as SVP of Marketing at Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG) - the world's leading expert network. Ms. Molloy is an active member of the CMO Club, a top CMO on Twitter, and an advocate for how companies can deploy digital marketing to achieve desired business outcomes. Ms. Molloy is a native of Ireland, based in New York City; she has an MBA from Harvard Business School.

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mardi 20 novembre 2012

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I was a heavy feeling, once I found that he was my friend, will sincerely treat him, will pay for his, we already are brothers, is not it. You go like I lost a friend, a brother, a loved one. Your departure to combat too much for me, since I still recall the day we were together, I'm not happy to say to you, you are not happy things said to me. Each other to enlighten, to comfort each other. Friends in heaven, you would think we worried about your man?

When I saw the dinner table, people drink and a chat when I think of our scenarios. I am lost, then I will think of your appearance, feelings are complex, always not happy, Zhao, your departure will affect my life, brother, really, our common acquaintances, and since  moment I do not want to face, I do not want to talk about you in front of and then they will be very sad, but also can not afford, how I wish you live now to resolve all in all, whenever I want to find chat with friends, talk about the truth of my mind, are you like in a bow, I wish you can be at my side.

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